This animation was build up from the Luminance frames taken for the photometry run which resulted in lightcurves of 15 pulsating RR Lyrea stars. In total 130 frames of 3 minutes each were used. For the animation 10 frames were
amateur astronomy and astrophotography
This animation was build up from the Luminance frames taken for the photometry run which resulted in lightcurves of 15 pulsating RR Lyrea stars. In total 130 frames of 3 minutes each were used. For the animation 10 frames were
de periode-helderheidsrelatie van pulserende RR Lyrea sterren Ik heb geprobeerd aan de hand van helderheidsmetingen van pulserende sterren in Messier 3 de afstand tot deze bolhoop te bepalen.Lang verhaal kort: het is niet gelukt. De periode-helderheidsrelatie voor deze sterren in